
Population – 11,680
Projected population in 2020 – 12,100
Total Employment – 5,500

Median household income in 2014 was $61,960 with the fastest-growing segment between $75,000-$200,000. The percentage of households earning less than $35,000 is shrinking.

This trend, coupled with the increasing percentage of Healdsburg earning more than $100,000, will result in further concentration of households in the higher income tiers. Compared to the national average, citizens of Healdsburg spend more in nearly every commodity sector, but especially in travel, housing and education.

Real estate: The total number of homes sold in Healdsburg in 2016 was 700+, with the median home price of $730,000. This puts Healdsburg at the top of the spectrum for homes in the area. The average sales price of a home in Healdsburg is higher than the county average by $200,000.

Retail vacancy rates in Healdsburg are at 3.8%

The value of residential and non-residential building permits in Healdsburg for 2016 were $13,401,550 and $10,154,143 respectively.

Taxable sales: Healdsburg’s taxable sales rose 7.0 percent in 2016 leading the county average. Biggest spending categories for residents are education, housing and travel.

– Source: Sonoma County Economic Development Board